Thursday, August 5, 2010

ColdFusion powered "ActionScript ORM" article on Adobe Devnet - Now Live !!

Though I might be late to blog on my Adobe Devnet article on "ActionScript ORM" that has been recently published but it is.

This article is in-line with the "ActionScript ORM" session that I conducted in this year's CFUnited. This article, as learning follow up activity to my session, provides the Demo application that I had demonstrated.

BTW, This being my first CFUnited, I was pretty impressed with the conference, the kind of participation and most importantly the passion and spirit that CF community shares,"I love CF", "CF Rocks" ,"CF will never die" spirit, is awesome!! This event turned out to be a very good learning experience for me and I am sure it would be back in one or other form in near future.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jayesh @ CFUnited 2010

I am super excited for my first CFUnited ever this year, where I will be talking on how to Develop AIR Offline applications using CF901 ActionScript ORM library.

Who should attend my session?

ActionScript Developers who are interested developing AIR Offline applications but dont like dealing with SQL statements on client side, replicating the server DB on client, tracking offline data changes and handling conflicts. One can handle all these things very easily by use of ActionScript ORM library which is part of CF901. You would learn how to leverage "cfair.swc" library for developing such AIR offline applications.


Don't miss out on registering for my session on Thursday, July 29, 2010-9:00 AM- ColdFusion Powered Offline Applications Using AIR ORM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

NCDevCon 2010

The Triangle Area ColdFusion User's Group (TACFUG), associates, and sponsors are organizing the NCDevCon 2010 Conference (NCDevCon) to be held May 22-23, 2010 on the Centennial Campus of NC State University in Raleigh,North Carolina.

The conference will cover a wide variety of web development and design topics including ColdFusion, Flex and AIR,Javascript and CSS.

Registration for the event will be free which includes entry to the weekend event and all presentations.

Following the success of the CFinNC conference last October, the Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group (TACFUG) is proud to announce NCDevCon 2010.

Planned for May 22-23, 2010 and held in Raleigh, NC, NCDevCon will have two days of timely and important web development sessions at no cost to attendees.

Monday, March 22, 2010

ColdFusion Builder 1.0 is Live !!

The highly anticipated, new Eclipse based IDE for ColdFusion from Adobe, ColdFusionBuilder 1.0 is live now!!....It easily integrates with Adobe FlashBuilder 4 as well, enabling developers to prepare Flex-CF applications, easily and faster than ever before. Also, CF Builder has the ability to accomplish all parts of the CF application developnent lifecycle with the same tool, which helps increase the productivity. Apart from CF9, CFBuilder 1.0 also provides support for CF7 and CF8.

Related link...

ColdFusion Builder is complimentary for educational purposes. You can request it at